Thoughts on the over-used phrase: "It's not what you say. It's how you say it."
Art is the WHAT. Craft is the HOW.
You will be remembered by your craft. Spend the time to make it memorable.
Thoughts on the over-used phrase: "It's not what you say. It's how you say it."
Art is the WHAT. Craft is the HOW.
You will be remembered by your craft. Spend the time to make it memorable.
I read much of American Elf during a time when my artistic intentions and style were constantly changing. I was desperate for inspiration and connections to other cartoonists. Even in that pre-twitter era, an artist was expected to communicate with their fans. This American Elf strip is proof that James Kochalka understands the value of acknowledging his audience. That faceless person behind the book store counter? It's me. Literally! I've always kept this comic on my desk. It's a little reminder of the relationship between artist, audience and how the line between can be a little blurry sometimes.